Friday, December 31, 2010

The Filthy Youth

I'd totally forgot about this band called
how great the songs are.

Here is some lyrics from one of their song called 


I fly a way to the city
We break in the city
And then somewhere in Italy
I hear it's nice this time of year

It was meant to be a little break
But we didn't do well out with her mates
It went to hell, well that was then
And I'll tell you I'll be back again
I don't won't to go back to my singelroom
Or is that to soon?


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sitting here listening to Joy Division and thinking about life.
Feels like i'm stuck at this place and time and don't know what to do to get forward, anyway went shopping with my Mum today,  first time i haven't gotten anything at all, just wasn't anything i wanted or what i could afford.
So when i got home i just jumpped in my pyjama and started watching Ps. I Love You with my Mum, I just love the movie, Everything about it, how sad it is, and Ireland and of course because of the ending, how it feels when you loose someone you really care about and how long it can take for you to move past it and start living again, so we ended up crying a little in the end of the movie.
Been nice spending time with Mum, i mean that doesn't happend often.

There is something wrong with my phone, at first i noticed it a few days ago when i didn't get messages people sent me, and today it didn't wake me up and i checked the time and it said it was 2pm when it only was 11am, i tryed to turn it off and turn it on again, but didn't help at all, no idea what to do with it? id like to get a new one but just can't afford it at the moment...

So tomorrow it's New Years ! 
Gonna go to a Houseparty at a friend of a friends place, lets see how that will turn out, but i think it's gonna be great, also to just get to hang with some new people, people you haven't met or seen before, love meeting new faces.
Also gonna stay over that their place.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Pictures of me.

So Here we go with some NEW pictures of
how i look like atm.

Yesterday i had a lovely time with Nelly,
i hang out at her place, watched Silent Hill or 
more made fun about the movie cause it's just such
a bad movie, haha!


Monday, December 27, 2010

Who cares...

My Day Today

Met up with Hanna today for some shopping
and food, gonna post some pictures of what i bought.
I'm so out of money atm.

 My Lovely hat.

What i wore today

Went to this Japanese shop today with Hanna
and of course  i had to buy something.

 Also got this ticket to see Disco Ensemble
on Saturday only because i haven't seen
 them in like forever.

This is the hair dye i used.


I had my hair dyed like this !

Sunday, December 26, 2010

So Christmas 2010 is finally over....

 Got this Hard drive for travelling.

 Gorgeous Necklace i got from my Mum.

Mum also gave me this one cause she thought
it would fit me much better then her.

 LANCÔME Hypnôse mascara.


 My lovely Grandma made me socks.

 Found this old clock.

 Also got this other hard drive for my

 Also found this old bag.

 Found this lovely Captain hat.

My love for hats.

Got this note on a chocolate jar
before leaving work on thursday,
it says in Finnish that they wish me a great 

But the best present i got was from my Mum !
Got to go see some Carl Barât show's in the Uk.
In February.
